"Neuromyths" refers to the most pervasive and persistent misunderstandings about the human brain and its role in learning (OECD, 2002).
Betts, K., Miller, M., Tokuhama-Espinosa, T., Shewokis, P., Anderson, A., Borja, C., Galoyan, T., Delaney, B., Eigenauer, J., & Dekker, S. (2019, October). International report: Neuromyths and evidence-based practices in higher education. Online Learning Consortium.
Pasquinelli, E. (2012). Neuromyths: Why do they exist and persist?. Mind, Brain, and Education, 6(2), 89-96.
Macdonald, K., Germine, L., Anderson, A., Christodoulou, J., & McGrath, L. M. (2017). Dispelling the myth: Training in education or neuroscience decreases but does not eliminate beliefs in neuromyths. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1314.
Betts, K., & *Parr, T. (2017, September). Debunking education’s neuromyths. School Administrator. The School Superintendents Association.
Dekker, S., Lee, N. C., Howard-Jones, P., & Jolles, J. (2012). Neuromyths in education: Prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers. Frontiers in psychology, 3, 429.
Ferrero, M., Garaizar, P., & Vadillo, M. A. (2016). Neuromyths in education: Prevalence among Spanish teachers and an exploration of cross-cultural variation. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 496. Chicago
Hardiman, M., Rinne, L., Gregory, E., & Yarmolinskaya, J. (2012). Neuroethics, neuroeducation, and classroom teaching: Where the brain sciences meet pedagogy. Neuroethics, 5(2), 135-143.
Betts, K., Miller, M., Tokuhama-Espinosa, T., Shewokis, P., Anderson, A., Borja, C., Galoyan, T., Delaney, B., Eigenauer, J., Dekker, S. (2019). International report: Neuromyths and evidence-based practices in higher education. Online Learning Consortium.
Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2018). Neuromyths: Debunking false ideas about the brain. WW Norton & Company.
- A useful website that includes articles, blogs, and videos on facts about the brain
Supiano, B. (2019, October 19). ‘Students Learn Best in Their Preferred Learning Style,’ and Other Neuromyths. Washington, Post.
Struass, V. (2020, February 6) It’s good to expose myths about neuroscience — but the debunking is getting out of hand, a world-famous psychologist says. Washington Post.